Email Archiving in PDF

Email is one of the most ubiquitous and widely disseminated, and also one of the least preserved and difficult to manage, of electronic document formats.  While the  preservation community has developed email-specific tools and preservation pathways, PDF provides a new and scalable approach that can be used to archive email messages, folders, and even accounts. … Read more

10 Years of PDF/A-3 Based Electronic Invoicing

Almost 10 years ago, ZUGFeRD 1.0, the first invoice data format based on the public standards UN/CEFACT CII and PDF/A-3, was published. The stated intention was to digitize invoice exchange and make the transition from paper to data for SMEs and single users as smooth as possible without losing efficiency. The idea of using PDF/A-3 … Read more

Smart Legal Contracts and PDF

Smarter contracts and blockchain technologies are already transforming business processes across commercial, legal and financial sectors and yet “We still approach contracts in much the same way as we have done for centuries. Decades old software such as PDF and Microsoft Word is used to create and store agreements in a digital format, but they … Read more

How to make your PDF/A conversion easier

The first Apple iPhone (1st generation), which was termed ‘revolutionary’ was released in 2007 with the slogan ‘Apple reinvents the phone’. While many of us are using Apple iPhones now, it is doubtful that anyone is using the 1st generation anymore. 2 years before the iPhone unveiling event, PDF/A-1 was released in the form of … Read more

PDF/A Conversion and Validation Challenges

We will examine how specific problems are handled in these (not so) similar processes. Sometimes PDF/A validation can be more complex than PDF/A conversion, and in other cases, is it the other way around. What makes a document difficult to convert or validate? And how to overcome these challenges? 

Archiving email – as PDF?

Digital archives have to preserve not only the data formats, they also have to make sure that proper viewer technology is available in the future. For most paper like formats this is solved by PDF/A. But there are questions beyond the format: an email is often related to other emails and it may be more useful … Read more

Content Authenticity and PDF

Come learn about new standards from the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) and how this impacts PDF and the future of content.

ABBYY FineReader PDF: solving document challenges across organization through individual efficiency

ABBYY FineReader PDF: solving document challenges across the organization through individual efficiency Document-related needs vary across industries, jobs, and even individual organizations and employees. Although mostly done digital, today’s document workflows are still heavily mixed, causing various challenges for information workers. Individual document fluency is a key for improving overall organization-wide workforce effectiveness FineReader PDF … Read more