ABBYY FineReader PDF: solving document challenges across organization through individual efficiency

ABBYY FineReader PDF: solving document challenges across the organization through individual efficiency

  • Document-related needs vary across industries, jobs, and even individual organizations and employees.
  • Although mostly done digital, today’s document workflows are still heavily mixed, causing various challenges for information workers.
  • Individual document fluency is a key for improving overall organization-wide workforce effectiveness
  • FineReader PDF allows employees to speed up their work with documents of mixed types, providing effective tools to review and collaborate, protect and redact, edit and modify, create and convert, compare, and digitize documents. It helps to incorporate PDFs of various origins, document images and scans, and digital documents into a common PDF-based document workflow of any organization.
  • Flexible licensing and deployment options allow easy and timely management of the software across an organization. Various types of IT-infrastructures and organization of work are supported: centralized and distributed offices, virtual environments, remote work.