Resources Reorganization
Excerpt: pdfa.org resources now include a new technical index, list of GitHub repos and more.
About the author: The staff of the PDF Association are dedicated to delivering the information, services and value members have come to expect.
In addition to building up and organizing the PDF Association’s GitHub repositories, establishing and maintaining the pdf-issues repo to track issues with ISO 32000-2:2020 (and post resulting industry-based resolutions), creation of the PDF Specification index for all historic PDF specifications, and his work as a Principal Investigator on DARPA’s SafeDocs fundamental research, the PDF Association’s new CTO, Peter Wyatt, has been busy in other ways.
One of the more public-facing projects is now launched; the resource index has been reorganized for ease of use and reference, with its contents now readily text-searchable. It provides a single page providing an index to all technical resources created by the PDF Association and should be the first stop for any PDF developer searching for technical information. In particular, a new dedicated page listing all ISO publications related to PDF has been created, which details every ISO publication (withdrawn and current) by the common PDF descriptive acronyms used by industry (such as PDF/A, PDF/X, PDF/UA, etc.)
Additionally, the members’ products and members’ services indices, as well as the case studies and white paper archives, previously located under the member menu, are now centralized under Resources.