The specifications of the Ghent Workgroup – built on top of the ISO PDF/X standards – are followed across the world and are built into a lot of major graphics arts applications. The Ghent Workgroup last released a major specification in 2015, which at that point included a shift from PDF/X-1a to PDF/X-4.
Earlier this year, the Ghent Workgroup released its GWG 2022 specification, so it is interesting to ask (and answer) the question: “What is the impact of these newly released specifications on your work?”. How big of an adjustment will need to be made, and what benefits are brought by GWG 2022?
In this session, David van Driessche, Executive Director of the Ghent Workgroup will dive into the GWG 2022 specifications, and examine its consequences for creatives, printers and software vendors.