In the Legal/Records Management Profession since 1997. Currently serving Board President for ARMA Intl San Antonio Chapter, served as VP Membership, & Director in both the Austin and San Antonio Chapters. I am a Certified Information Professional (CIP). Start-up Records & Information Management (RIM) Programs in both public and private sectors by developing data maps, retention schedules, policies & procedures, training, eDiscovery, and overall management of paper and electronic records. Experience and success in managing, leading, designing, and implementation of Enterprise Content Management Solutions to include scanning company-wide. Managed acquisitions, investigations by regulatory agencies, and experience in testifying as a Records Manager for litigation. Currently hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, Paralegal Certificate, Six Sigma Training, and wide-ranging education/training in Management, Records Management and Legal e-Discovery. Enjoys traveling, reading (paper copy), and basketball.