PDF Association IPR Policy

Excerpt: The members of the PDF Association have adopted a new Intellectual Property Rights Policy to make it easier for experts to share their knowledge.

About the author: The staff of the PDF Association are dedicated to delivering the information, services and value members have come to expect.
PDF Association news

January 27, 2021
by PDF Association staff

Along with the adoption of a revised Charter at its all-member meeting earlier this month, the members of the PDF Association have adopted an Intellectual Property Rights Policy; an adaptation of the policy used by ISO/IEC/ITU. With this policy, we have created a safe place for experts to come together and share their knowledge with the world.

The PDF Association’s new IPR policy establishes a ‘code of practice’ and set of rules for handling patented information. In the world of developing standards, it is inevitable that a standard will touch upon patented technology. With this policy, the PDF Association is ensuring the deliverables it produces are available to all.

Any participant in the PDF Association standards program can declare, using a simple form, any known patent or pending patent application pertaining to projects or standards development within the PDF Association. Even if there is an applicable patent, it does not mean that affected standards work cannot proceed. In such cases the patent holder will need to show a willingness to negotiate licenses for free-of-charge or non-discriminatory reasonable use of the patented technology in PDF Association deliverables.

All members of the PDF Association must affirm their acceptance of this policy when they renew their membership.