Accessibil-IT Inc.

Accessibil-IT is an industry leader in PDF accessibility services.  Since starting in 2009, we have been dedicated to ensuring documents are compliant with current Standards and read correctly by adaptive technology.  We are fully conversant in PDF/UA and WCAG 2.1 standards, as well as accessibility legislation in Canada, United States and the European Union.

Our clients rely on our technical expertise and strong customer service.  Our processes are very simple and we meet budget and delivery commitments agreed to with our clients.  Our customers are based around the world and include government agencies, large corporations, education and not-for-profits.

We provide confidence in compliance by combining manual testing, use of industry standard testing tools including PAC3 and Adobe Checker as well as testing on popular screen readers.

The company has offices in Toronto and Oakville Ontario, Canada.  Contact us at or Phone 905-491-6875.