3D PDF at the PDF Association
Excerpt: The PDF Association welcomes new members as we absorb the 3D PDF Consortium’s membership and functions. With two new working groups led by Boeing’s Stuart Galt we will directly connect development of 3D PDF technologies into the PDF Association’s global network of vendors and other stakeholders.
About the author: The staff of the PDF Association are dedicated to delivering the information, services and value members have come to expect.
PDF has supported embedded collections of three-dimensional objects (3D models), such as those used by CAD software, since the capability was introduced with PDF 1.6 in 2005. Since then the advent of Model-Based Design (MBD) the use of 3D content in PDF has exploded as vendors, manufacturers and customers demand greater access to detailed technical information at every stage of the design, development, manufacturing and support processes.
Working with the 3D PDF Consortium the PDF Association in 2020 produced PDF in Manufacturing, as an introduction to this critical application of PDF and 3D technology servicing the entire product lifecycle, architecture and civil engineering needs for rich, data-driven and interactive documentation.
The PDF Association welcomes its new members from the 3D space, including ATI, Anark, Boeing, Datakit, Elysium, Kubotek USA, Prostep and Purdue University, as we absorb the functions of the 3D PDF Consortium and directly connect development of 3D PDF technologies into the PDF Association’s global network of vendors and other stakeholders.
Support for advancing 3D PDF technology
As part of our efforts to support development and adoption of 3D PDF technology the PDF Association has created two new working groups to service the needs of both 3D PDF-centric developers and consumers.
The 3D PDF Technical Working Group (TWG) is a key locus for industry collaboration on 3D PDF development, and where PDF Association members focus on specifications and guidance for implementing 3D PDF technology. Specific areas of focus include:
- Best practice for implementing PRC in PDF
- Advancing development of the STEP format in PDF
- Monitor and assist in the development of glTF in PDF
- JavaScript for controlling 3D objects in the PDF context
All PDF Association members are welcome to join via the Member Area.
The 3D PDF User Liaison Working Group (LWG) allows 3D PDF users to collaborate on the development of capabilities and performance requirements for 3D PDF implementations. The group’s purpose is to:
- Gather and consolidate end-user requirements for 3D PDF technology
- Gather and consolidate 3D end-user requirements for metadata in 3D PDF
The results of 3D PDF User LWG consultations are forwarded to the 3D PDF TWG for vendor review and the Implementor Forum.
PDF Association members can monitor and participate by joining the LWG via Member Area. Non-member 3D PDF users interested in contributing use cases and needs to industry developers should get in touch.
PDF Association members interested in the above working groups might also consider the Rich Media TWG, which focuses on other forms of rich media (e.g., audio and video) utilizing similar PDF features which enable 3D PDF technology, or any of our other communities.